Staff Registration Information

All interested staff need to fill out a registration form, fill out the Elder Recommendation Form, and will need to submit to a background check. This allows directors to know which staff are available for sessions and to plan appropriately. We are so thankful for your willingness to volunteer and serve in this endeavor to strengthen the kingdom of God in our area.

Registration for Staff:

Fill Out Staff Application  here.

Fill Out Elder Recommendation Letter here and send to camp session directors.

Thank you for Registering to serve with High Rock Bible Camp. Please remember to print the elder recommendation letter, fill it out, and have it signed by an elder or preacher, if no elders are available, and send to the camp session directors.

Background check for Staff:

Every staff member with High Rock Bible Camp must have a current background check. If you need a background check for the first time, please click on the link below and fill out the form to authorize High Rock Bible Camp to run a background check..